25th February 2019 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm(GMT+10:00)
Winfred Fisher Knowledge Centre
Old Youth Respite Centre, Barambah Road, Cherbourg Q 4605
Arts Queensland is seeking to engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as part of the Queensland Government’s consultation on the development of a 10-year Roadmap for the arts, culture
Arts Queensland is seeking to engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as part of the Queensland Government’s consultation on the development of a 10-year Roadmap for the arts, culture and creative sector.
In this consultation session, Arts Queensland will seek to explore further opportunities to celebrate Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, develop Indigenous artists and arts workers, and also create and share more First Nations stories.
The first stage of consultation was completed in December 2018 and was supported by the Creating Queensland’s Future: 10-Year Roadmap for the arts, cultural and creative sector discussion paper.
This consultation will inform action planning as part of the final 10-year Roadmap which is expected to be released later this year.
Venue: Winifred Fisher Knowledge Centre, Old Youth Respite Centre, Barambah Road, Cherbourg, 4605
RSVP required