Artist Journal: 7 Artists at Year 7 Arts Day
Seven Flying Arts Facilitators attended a local Brisbane Schools Year 7 Art Day. Students could choose from the following seven half-day workshops to attend.

Artist Journal: Arts Business Workshop at Gab Titui Cultural Centre
Flying Arts Touring Team facilitator Emily Devers made the journey to Gab Titui Cultural Centre on Thursday Island to conduct a two-day intensive course on marketing strategies and developing an online presence.

Artist Journal: Encaustic Experimentation
Ever wondered about the versatile and mysterious medium of wax encaustics? Simone Eisler led a group of secondary students through several approaches.

Artist Journal: Enthusiastic Community Engagement and Ongoing Partnerships
Photographic and soundscape artist Judith Parrott forged some exciting new links through the volunteer-run Lapunyah Gallery in Chinchilla.

Artist Journal: Going with the Flow – Batik on Thursday Island
Scott Maxwell taught a group of remote artists the traditional Javanese technique of batik, inspiring them to create beautiful, colourful works and take new skills back to their communities.

Artist Journal: Logo Redesign Creativity
10 high school students worked through the process of redesigning a logo, and picked up some exciting photoshop tips along the way.

Artist Journal: Magic of Mosaics
Students from a Small School in Central West Queensland immersed themselves in the magic of mosaics with Flying Arts Facilitator Pamela Denise for the last week of Term 1 2019.