Collaborating with Local Government: Making Hard Infrastructure Happen

11feb12:00 pm1:00 pmCollaborating with Local Government: Making Hard Infrastructure HappenWebinar for Artists and Artsworkers


(Thursday) 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT+10:00) View in my time


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Event Details

Bianca Acimovic believes that it takes a team to deliver a successful arts project and everyone contributes to success. Explore the possibilities for collaborating and connecting with local government on arts projects, consider opportunities for artists, professional arts workers and regional galleries to work together, and determine how to engage broadly with these stakeholders. 

Additional Information

Bianca Acimovic 

Bianca Acimovic has worked in a range of positions across a number of cultural institutions spanning from regional to state institutions, University institutions to State departments. Holding a variety of positions throughout Australia Bianca has been part of cultural institutions including University of Queensland; QAGOMA; Arts Queensland; Murray Art Museum Albury (MAMA) and currently with the Rockhampton Art Gallery. In these positions, she has developed a record of positively contributing to the development and management of these cultural institutions, expanding engagement and breaking down stigmas, to sit these institutions at the heart of community.