Flying Arts Artist Nancy Brown returned to a college in North Lakes to teach a workshop on printmaking techniques. Read about her experiences.
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Residency Journal: Rose Rigley
As winner of the Queensland Regional Art Awards 2015, Cairns-based artist Rose Rigley was provided with a residency at Jugglers Art Space. Here she responds to some of the questions we had of her on completion of her residency. What was offered by the residency was the opportunity to have a full week dedicated to […]
Artist Feature: Tarn McLean
Tarn McLean came from the design world, and has since gone on to found the START gallery and creative space, and co-direct the Raygun Labs ARI. Tarn will be presenting an artist talk at our upcoming Young Artist Development program, ArtizPUBLIC@Toowoomba. We sat down with her to ask her about her art. How did you get into your art form? I […]
Touring Artist Journal: Sarah Barron
Flying Arts Artist Sarah Barron recently visited the rural town of Goondiwindi to teach a workshop on Gallery Volunteer Training and Development. With a small but dedicated group, they took a conversational and hands-on approach to the subject matter.
Artist Feature: Ian McCallum
Ian McCallum is an artist and sign writer, interested in offering creative opportunities outside of metropolitan areas. Heavily influenced by graffiti and street culture during his own youth, McCallum has developed avenues for young people to experience the same. We sat down with him to ask him about his art and his advise to young artist.
Sam Rit Residency Journal – The Weaving Continues
This time around, Flying Arts artist Mary Barron taught some more woven designs, using demonstrations and photos to help overcome the language barrier.
Sam Rit Residency Journal: Weekend Workshops
Mary Barron is the Flying Arts Artist taking part in the Sam Rit Residency and Cultural Exchange. The workshops have taken on a more casual format now, with participants dropping by to learn things as the weeks progress.
Artist Feature: Jordan Hart
Jordan Hart completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts/Honors at the University of Southern Queensland in 2007. Whilst balancing a career as an arts teacher at Dalby State High School, Jordan also exhibits in regional and metropolitan art spaces. We sat down with Jordan to talk about his artwork, his influences, and the advice he would give to aspiring young artists.