Scope of Cover
1. Public Liability
This will protect you against any person who makes a claim against you for ‘bodily injury’ or property damage caused by a negligent action on your part.
2. Product Liability
This will protect you against any person who makes a claim against you for ‘bodily injury’ or property damage caused by a fault in the products that you have made.
3. Property in Care, Custody and Control
This will protect you from claims arising from other people’s goods that are in your control which you negligently lose or damage. So if you are working on a collaborative project, any goods belonging to the other person/s will be covered. This package does not insure you for the loss or damage of your own goods.
4. Personal Accident
This cover provides 24hr personal accident to all approved accredited members and provides income replacement for those who are injured and cannot work in their arts practice. Payments are calculated off the income earned by the artist from their practice over the past two years. Please ensure you read the list of included and excluded causes of injury.
5. Teaching
This policy extends to include the activities of the Accredited Member when teaching or training students. Where a Member is conducting workshop activities to pass on skills and supplement their income under their own name, there is a limit of twelve workshops per annum with a maximum of 10 persons per class* (*this clause can vary according to insurance category) Where a Member is engaged as an artist/musician/artsworker in residence by a school or engaged by local authorities or other organisations where they are working on community projects or training a group/s, the limits do not apply.
Limits of Liability
General Liability
- Public Liability $20,000,000 on any one occurrence
- Products Liability $20,000,000 on any one occurrence
- $40,000,000 in the aggregate in any one insurance period
- Property in Physical & Legal Control $250,000
- Excess $500 per occurrence for General Liability
Personal Accident Cover
- Income is the weekly average of the past two years earnings
- Personal Accident up to $1000 per week up to 52 weeks for accredited members under 70 years of age and 26 for members between 70 to 80 years of age.
- Accidental Death and Capital Benefits $50,000
- Funeral Benefits (Accidental Death only) $10,000
- Excess of 7 days waiting period for accidental injury and 28 days waiting period for sporting injury under the personal accident cover in lieu of monetary payment excess.
This Scope of Cover should be read in conjunction with the policy documentation.